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Major SE Michigan Hospital

PBS – Case Study


In a world that is constantly changing, the HIC group at a major southeast Michigan hospital was on the move again. They had moved into their “temporary” offices in 2002 and now it was time to move back to their newly refurbished offices. One of the bonuses of this transition was that they would be inheriting an existing Spacesaver High-Density file system that would allow them to keep more documents in less space. In order to take advantage of this opportunity there were some details that needed to be worked out.


The Casper Corporation Professional Business Services department was able to provide insight and a solid project plan that addressed the identified challenges, including supplies, additional equipment, as well as onsite, short-term staffing to implement the necessary changes. To begin with, the existing files would now be residing in a “shelf” type system as opposed to the pull-out drawers they were currently in. This shift in filing styles allowed them to develop a more efficient and cost effective indexing system that would utilize a “pocket” style folder with a color-coded side tab label. Using the Research Institute’s database of research records, the design for a three digit numeric identifier and year band was created for each of the existing records. The records were matched and then transferred to the new pre-labeled folder, transported to their new home and placed into the Spacesaver System in a manner that allowed for the projected growth determined by the department. To allow for day forward operations, software was provided to create color-coded strip labels on-site. Casper representatives managed each step of the project including coordinating all aspects of the file conversion to coincide with the physical move that was scheduled over a weekend.


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